Sheraton, LAX.
Awoken at four by a noisy conversation in the hall. Returning to sleeping mode & awoken by a powerful dream in which my Mother & Sister were also present. This dream reminded me of the powerful dream on my first night at Sherborne House, alone in the dormitory, 33 years & 2 months ago.
Rising at 06.00 & to the breakfasting trough…
… for a reading-reflective F&F prepping breakfast…
A baseball star is holding forth on the next table with an entourage, although I have no knowledge of who he is.
Returning to the room, I am reminded of the Happy Gigsters’ Guide to late check-ins…
… you will overlook air-conditioning plants of industrial capacity.
Nevertheless, I am a happy boy in this room, in this hotel, at this airport, on this day.
17.31 The gig…
Jeff Fayman introduced F&F at
12.33 & we continued speaking until c. 16.35; in three segments. The
audience comprised several Crafties, with mainly Crimson enthusiasts. During
Q&A, questions were asked by Crimson enthusiasts. Crim-enthusiast questions
are typically characterised by an introductory essay to present the question’s
gestalt; followed by a series of questions, mostly lacking definition,
practicality & a foundation in life experience while purporting to be
coherent & burning. Not that those asking the questions lacked a life well
only that mostly the questions seemed more theoretical than based in a quality of incandescent necessity that elicits a qualitative response.
As I was leaving the performance space, a man followed me out, clasping objects of fetishisation; demonstrating the clear intent to have them further fetishised by autography & personal fondling by The Great Roberto: I’m a Crimson fan! he declared. A wave & blown kiss were proffered in response as legs snapped like whipcords removing that awful, ungrateful man from the proximity of a fan who only wanted to say hello while getting his stuff signed.
Returning to the room & Views of Wonder I…
To dinner.
20.09 Dinner with Patricia & pals, Luann & her pal, Amy DGM, Bill Forth & Jeff Fayman I…
On the Guestbook…
RE: Show or no show:: Posted by pyroseed13 on November 09, 2008
How is it possible for one man’s mind to change so rapidly?
It’s not the mind that changed.
This is only one small example of how difficult it is to convey the powerful effects of subtleties, the repercussions from seemingly small actions; and come to accurate conclusions in interpreting the decisions of others, merely by looking at functional undertakings from a distance; while lacking a corresponding level of proficiency or understanding in our own particular field of endeavour.
A shift in commitment, a demonstration of intentionality & value, a decision: and the world changes. From the potential, an alternative line of possibility opens; a different stream of actualisation begins. Long words? Abstruse? Obtuse? Here’s the simpler presentation: It’s not the mind that changed.
Night views I…
Dribble dribble.